Don't Take My Picture!
Nope, Connor's not interested in having his picture made unless it's with Keaton. As you can see in this shot his hand is raised as he says, "Don't take my picture!!" Hence the many pictures of Keaton posted lately on the blog.
Today at school they talked about the letter S and it was also show and tell day. Connor wore his shark shirt, took his shark book, and his Hammerhead shark. The teachers were very impressed that he knew the names of all the sharks, and if you could hear him say Wobbegong shark you'd laugh too.
As I look at this picture I remember a story from last week. Amanda, our babysitter, said while she was putting Keaton to bed for a nap Connor decided to put almost an entire roll of toilet paper in the toilet downstairs. This was, of course, a bad idea. She came down the stairs to see water flowing out of the toilet and two soaked rugs. After a stern lecture from mommy and daddy he says, "You only use a few sheets to wipe when you go potty." Hopefully this lesson will stick.
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