The Carr Family

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Just a Few Little Toesies

I love a picture of a sandy foot. No, I don't have a foot fetish if you're starting to wonder. I show this picture of Connor's "toesies" as he calls them because as of late he's decided that getting his toenails cut is pure torture. Fingernails? No problem. We beg and plead with him, even bribe him with one marshmallow per trimmed toe, but NO!!! During his weekly torture session the cat even came up to him to make sure he was okay, and she never does that. I don't know what the solution to this dilemma is, if anyone has any suggestions we'd love to hear them.


Blogger Stacy said...

you know he's screaming if the CAT comes to check! my only suggestion is trap him in the high chair where he can't see his toes under the tray, but that doesn't sound likely to work haha. i make sure audrey can see EVERY cut so she knows it doesn't hurt. the marshmallow thing baffles me to why it doesn't work tho...

i know with the whole nail thing on both kids (and both fingers and toes), that i use the scissor trimmers and not the actual clippers - i found it easier for me b/c i can see better!

good luck!

12:07 PM  

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