The Carr Family

Friday, June 30, 2006

Trying to Crawl

For weeks Connor has been trying to crawl. He gets in the position and rocks back and forth only to end up on his belly again. He can, however, roll, push or pull his way around the room especially if he sees our cat Jobu around. He'll get it eventually, and when he does our whole world's gonna change! Update: Supposedly on Friday at daycare he was crawling all day long, but we haven't seen it for ourselves.

Thursday, June 29, 2006

No More Pacifier

We decided the paci had to go after getting up throughout the night to pick it up off the floor or wedge it out from between the mattress and crib slats. He had a few days of withdrawal but is doing just fine. Now he's attached to his little elephant his Mimi got him, and snuggles up to it every night.