The Carr Family

Friday, March 30, 2007


"Gotta comb my hair before music class."
Having a little warm up before class....
Dance Baby is a great dancing CD, it sounds sort of like rave for babies.
What a funny face this is!

Hanging with Daddy

Just hanging out with my daddy watching a little t.v.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Enjoying the Weather

It's been so nice lately that we've been spending some time outdoors. Connor liked his red car at first, but now he just wants to run across the street and play at the neighbor's house...even if their kids aren't home. We're lucky we live on a dead end street because Connor wants to be playing in the street with all of the other kids. We've now discovered what a temper tantrum really is when we try and take him inside for dinner or just drag him out of the road and into the yard. We're thinking about investing in a 6 foot chain link fence with barbed wire at the top, but the neighbors probably wouldn't approve.

Breathing Treatments

Connor's having a breathing treatment again. Seems like he spends half his day in his high chair with this mask on his face. As I said before, he does really well with it and holds it all by himself. We do have to bribe him sometimes with the Wiggles.

Hittin' the Gym Again

Just some more pictures from gym class.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Just hanging out in my golf pants!!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring Flowers

We had wonderful spring weather here today in Louisville and my sweet husband bought me these beautiful tulips to celebrate spring. They were so pretty I had to take a picture. I'm so happy for warm weather.

Fashion Show

His allergist says he has asthma so we've been doing breathing treatments twice a day for over a month. Hopefully they're helping. He'd rather play with the tubes on the nebulizer than have a treatment. His teachers at daycare say he's so good with his treatments, and they've never seen a child who will hold the nebulizer over his face like Connor does. That's my boy.

We're going for some spring pictures tomorrow with ducks and bunnies so we had a fashion show tonight to try on some new digs. I think he looks mighty cute, and he really could care less he just wanted to watch the Wiggles of course.

Connor's favorite activity this week.....climbing on all of the furniture.
I just like the look on his face in this one. He was also trying to get out of the chair by climbing under the arm. It got a little tricky and he needed some assistance from mommy.
I'm #1!!!!!!
Just doing the splits and looking mighty solemn while doing them.


Connor had storytime with Mama D this past weekend. "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See" is the favorite of the week.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Worn Out

This bunch looks a bit tired. Everyone was veggin' while watching a Wiggles video.

The Pope Mobile

Is it just me or does Connor resemble someone with his wave here?
I'm thinking of the Pope in the "Pope Mobile."
Looks like a bad paparazzi photo here, maybe he got caught calling his mistress??

New Table

" Yep, this is my new table from Mimi and Poppy. I've only had it up a week and I've already drawn all over the top with my Etch-a-sketch pen."

Sunday, March 04, 2007

It's a Wiggley Concert!

Connor's first concert was the Wiggles on Wednesday night. Actually his first concert was the Black Crowes, but he was only a wee little thing in his mom's belly so we won't count that one.
His favorite show is the Wiggles so we thought he might enjoy them in person, and as you can see the concert was a big hit.

Our friends Thomas and Nancy brought their little boy Evan too. He had fun bustin' a move.
Connor was on the edge of his seat the entire time. It was so funny to see the bigger kids flip out over seeing the Wiggles in person. They are rock stars for sure, but with smaller fans.

Connor's always finding new ways to waste time while eating. The newest addition to his bag of tricks is playing with spoons and forks while they're in his mouth. One game I wish he would give up is the sippy cup toss. What's going on in his baby brain while he's playing this game....."Let's see just how far I can make this baby go!!"


Who do you call when you need your computer or printer fixed?
We've got our own computer technician right here in our own home.

Need a maid? Not us, we've got someone who loves to clean. He even brings his own supplies!
Remote control not working with the TV? We know who can fix it.
Last but not least we have our own garbage guy. He bags it and even takes it to the curb. Now that's what I call service!!