The Carr Family

Friday, January 30, 2009

Weather Woes.....

So we just got our power back on today (Friday) and we are soooo excited. It went out Wednesday morning. It was difficult trying to explain to a 3 year old that the power was out and he couldn't watch the Lion King or cartoons. We finally said the tv was broken. We stayed with my friend Jennie who had 2 families staying at her house. We had 6 kids age 3 and under. It was so much fun though and the kids had a blast. Michael bought a generator at Home Depot yesterday and said it was NUTS there and people were going off on the poor Home Depot employees.

Murray update: The entire town had no power at one point and my poor parents are toughing it out with their gas fireplace. They were even without water, but that's been fixed so now they're just waiting to get the power back on. They are doing fine though.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009


Just a few new pictures of Keaton this month. He'll be four months old in just a few weeks. He's still as happy as ever. His hair is falling out faster than his daddy's now! He's got the lovely bald spot in the back from rubbing his head back and forth in his crib. He's found his hands and decided that they taste pretty darn good. He babbles constantly and it's so cute. Michael and I were so excited because he slept until 7:30 yesterday morning and he's been going to bed around 7 every night for a while now.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Just a few more pictures from back in November. Connor LOVES his tiger so we had a few made with him.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

There's a whole lotta sports going on around here. We've been playing basketball, football and soccer these days. Connor started his first soccer class this Saturday. It was hilarious to watch about 30 three year olds running around the field. He had a great time and listened to his coaches. I guess I'm a soccer mom now right? All I need is a minivan!

How about this look....."swimmer guy" also known as the dentist diver from Finding Nemo.

Friday, January 09, 2009

Happy New Year!

We've been absent from the blog for several weeks so here's a marathon post for you all. Connor's still lovin' on Keaton as always. He lovingly calls him "my Keaton boy."
Connor could barely fit in the Bumbo when he was little because of his tree trunk legs, but now that he's 3 he can fit.
Keaton turned 3 months old on January 4th. I can't believe it's been 3 months already. Time flies when you're sleep deprived. His reflux seems to be under control and he's sleeping better too which makes us happy. He's such a happy baby, smiling all of the time. His favorite thing is having someone sing to him.
I took Keaton and Connor to a paint your own pottery place before Christmas and we made this for Michael. It's Connor's handprints with Keaton's footprint. We also made little tiles for their rooms.

Keaton got to meet his Aunt Ashley and Uncle Nick for the first time.
We stopped by to see Gigi since we missed her at Christmas.

Poppy and his boys.

Connor LOVES Poppy's leather chair in the den. It's the perfect spot to watch movies with Daddy.

Christmas can just wear a boy out!

Keaton with Mama D and PawPaw
Connor was not interested in having his picture made with Kerrie and Bailey, but Keaton's always willing to be photographed. Really he doesn't have a choice at this point.
Aunt Alice strikes again with her famous gift bags. Keaton has the look of an old man.

I forgot I bought this outfit for Keaton, so he only got to wear it one time. Oh well!
Too bad Connor's not in this picture.
Keaton and Mimi
What a sad look he has here.
Connor was really into his computer from Mimi and Poppy.

Charlie the Elf must have told Santa that Connor and Keaton were good little boys because they got all kinds of good stuff!

Getting Ready for Santa

Keaton trying out the bumbo for the first time. What a good invention this thing is!
Getting Christmas cookies ready for Santa. Connor thought he needed a brownie and two cookies.
He thought he might need to try out the cookies to make sure that they tasted okay for Santa.

Christmas Cookies

Making some Christmas cookies with Mimi. There were a few deformed ones, but Connor didn't seem to mind. You have to watch him he'll eat his weight in cookies.