The Carr Family

Saturday, June 21, 2008

A Visit With Mimi

We had a busy week this week when Mimi came to visit while daddy was out of town for work. We swam, went shopping and had a trip to the zoo. Connor loves animals so the zoo was a fun time for him. We managed to cram in feeding the Lorikeets, some sliding time on the playground, lunch, the waterpark and a ride on the train. We also got a several pieces of furniture painted for Connor's new room and big bed. Our fingers are crossed that he'll love his new room and not be too upset that his baby brother is taking over his current room.

Connor's friends James and Maclean came over to play on Friday. The boys had a good time, and as usual he was just plain worn out by Friday night.


James and Connor shootin' some hoops!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to Michael and all the other fathers out there. Connor and baby on the way are so lucky to have such a good daddy. We went to church and had brunch at the Bristol by our house. Lots of good food this weekend!
After opening presents we celebrated with a quick airplane ride around the house.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Just hanging out with his favorite cars in "mommy's blankie" as he calls it. Not sure if you can tell here-it looks like he's been hit on his left eye, but a mosquito bit him and it always gets red and swollen. Add that on top of the huge goose egg he got over the same eye (nicely hidden by his shaggy hairstyle) the day before it's a nice look!
Michael brought home some roses for our 8 year anniversary on June 10th. To celebrate we went out to dinner last night to Jeff Ruby's and it was sooooo good.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Outdoor Fun

Well this first picture isn't outdoor fun related but I thought I'd put a pregnancy picture on here since I haven't been taking very many. I am 21 weeks now and feeling pretty good. Things seem to be going smoothly now with the pregnancy (knock on wood) so we'll hope things continue to stay that way. The baby is kicking around just to make sure I know he's in there. According to Connor he wants his baby to "come out now!" I told him it would be sometime after his birthday before he gets to meet his brother. He tells the baby hello and pats my stomach and thinks that he's in my belly button. He put some pool water in it the other day to see if the baby wanted to go swimming. How thoughtful he is!
On to the outdoor post.....up until the past couple of days we've been spending most of our time outdoors since the weather's been so nice. We finallly got some sand to fill up the new sandbox in the backyard. Makes me want to go back to the beach!
Playing with cars and firetrucks outside. He was pretending to spray me with the hose car in the picture above.

We got the slip in slide out on Memorial Day and he loved it. Unfortunately it wasn't very sunny so he got cold pretty quickly. A 2 year old could care less about being cold he was having too much fun.

We've been to the park a few times since it's warmed up. This is one of his favorite spots at Tom Sawyer Park.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


We have lots of vacation pictures to share from Destin. Connor did great on the way down, we stopped off in Birmingham Friday night and arrived Saturday to a very pretty but windy day at the beach. Connor took about 5 minutes to warm up to the beach and after that he was off yelling at the ocean for whatever reason. I think he had the notion that he could keep the water back by yelling at it.

We had to warm up after getting in the water.
Looks as if he's saying, "Come on guys just get this picture over with."
Getting ready to run from the waves.

Here he is sending Daddy out to collect shells for his bucket.
Mimi and Poppy brought lots of toys for the beach including water guns! Looks like they might take out a seagull or two here.
Connor's favorite companions for the week, Aunt Ashley and Uncle Nick (even though he looks a little sad here).
Miniature golf was a big hit, notice he had his cute golfing outfit on too.

Nothing like a family full of mullets. I think they call this style the "Kentucky Waterfall."

Connor also practiced his new swimming techniques. He loved the pool!

One of the shopping centers had a cute little train that the kids could ride. Unfortunately the first night we tried they had already closed down for the night. Connor was most disappointed, but he at least got to get on for a picture. Then we said we'd get ice cream but that was closed too! Darn those Sunday hours!! We went to a great ice cream place down the street and met two separate families from Murray.
All that time at the beach can wear a boy out!
Driving the miniature boats on our last night.
Okay, out of order, but here's another on the train.
This should be the last shot, but it's one on our way home. Uncle Nick drew a nice race track and Connor had a good time racing his cars on it.
We went out one night on our own to meet our friends Kerrie and Nate for dinner. We ran into them at a gas station in Alabama and then again at the miniature golf place. Small world.
Perfecting his skills as a master sandcastle builder.
The finished product due mostly to Nick and my dad (Poppy).
Mimi and Poppy on our last night.
We also got to eat dinner with our friends Erica, Jeff, and Ben. Connor was reluctant to share his cars with Ben but decided he seemed okay. We got to actually ride the train that night but towards the end both boys were not so thrilled and it was only a 5 minute ride at best.

Swimming Test

It's the last week of swimming lessons, we had a week off for vacation. Connor had his first swim test yesterday with Mr. Jim. He put him in a variety of situations to see how he reacted such as floating in waves on his back, falling in the pool head first, etc. He did so well and kept fairly calm the entire time. Here's a video where he put him in and he immediately floated to his back and then flipped to swim to the wall. His next two tests will be swimming in summer and winter clothes. We are so proud of him! The Today Show had a segment on this swimming program recently, but not at the actual place where Connor goes.